Sunday, May 22, 2011

Spontaneity At Its Finest

This weekend has been full of fun times and spontaneity. Friday night I spent my time with three of the most amazing people I know. We had a great time running around late at night and doing the craziest things. It's those times that I feel like a real teenager. Like I've captured that "high school" feeling that I dreamed about as a kid. Nothing planned, just completely off the wall and care free. Not caring who is watching or judging you, you will make a long chain of straws at Five Guys. Not caring how uncomfortable it is, you will cram into a tent and watch Letters to Juliet on a lap top in the back yard. Not caring how dark or muddy it is, you will run through the woods with your white shoes on (yeah...they're not white anymore). Not caring how illegal it is to trespass on a play ground at night, you will sit on the swings and talk forever. That feeling of complete freedom and excitement is hard to beat. I wish we had taken pictures that night, but it might have taken away from the craziness of the whole thing. Some of my favorite, spontaneous memories:
(these aren't in any kind of order)
Having a trampoline party on a school day in March 2010
Climbing in the rafters at Girl's Camp 2010

Playing the spinning dummy game on Pizza Night with the gals in my group at EFY 2009. I took a lot of videos...but the health counselor was the best!
Finding a tunnel under Blarney Castle in Ireland and finding a little cave where we took a picture.  Good times with those fun people. (British Isles Cruise 2009)

Other times I don't have pictures for:

Running through the fountain at Fairfax Corner with a bunch of friends and then have it start to pour rain. What made it even better was that we randomly asked these boys to dance with us so we danced with them in the rain. Oh man. I wish I could replay that day. (2009)

Having a bonfire with a bunch of awesome Mormon people and then running down Sideburn Road at 11pm and stealing road signs. Wow. We are illegal. (2010)

Driving to a dance with Ariel Campos and friends. I was scared for my life but we blasted the music and danced in the car and I felt crazy but it was so fun. I was a 14 year old with a bunch of 17 year olds and I was on top of the world. (2009)

I would continue but my spontaneous, teenage self must follow some rules and get to bed. Here are some pictures from Mormon Prom to entertain you until the next post:

The beautiful ladies

The group. Aren't we kinda pretty? :)

The studly guys

Me and my date, Jeff

I loved my dress! The little details were so pretty. 

Curly hair is my favorite. 

Me and one of my best friends ever, Ariana

Thanks to Beautifully Modest, we were looking pretty fine in our super modest dresses!

Our fancy dinner in Ariana's backyard

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