Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Given to See

A few months ago when my Mom was on a plane, mid-flight, a thought struck her that has now struck me today like a ton of bricks. As she was sitting in her cramped seat, reading a book, she heard her neighbor ask for a cup of cranberry juice. As the stewardess was preparing the drink, my Mom was shown in her mind's eye a scene of the stewardess dropping the cup all over her book. She had a feeling to move her book so that the juice would not hurt the book, but of course, she thought nothing of it. "My mind is being quite creative" she thought. "Of course that wouldn't happen". And do you know what happened? Exactly what she saw play out in her head. To my Mom, it seemed crazy that such a random event would be given to her to see before it happened. The spirit acts in mysterious ways. Why would she be given to see that inconsequential moment in time? I think that God is teaching us to trust in him, even in the smallest of situations. To trust even the tiniest promptings because you will be blessed for following them. But sometimes what you are given to see isn't an action you need to perform like moving a book, but sometimes it is just a little reminder that all things will work for your good. I experienced that kind of thing today. I ordered a dress for the Mormon Prom a couple weeks ago and I had been a bit nervous that it wouldn't come in time. The dance is this Saturday, the 21st, and as this week began I was feeling a little scared about having to go to Prom without a fancy dress. But in the back of my mind I had a feeling that Tuesday would be the day that it would come. I knew it, despite my nerves. Why didn't I just trust that feeling and let go of that worry that gripped my stomach? I realized I need to trust those feeling more often. Trusting in the Lord and what He tells me makes life a lot easier. Instead of thinking, "What if this dress doesn't come? What if I get it a day late? What will a wear? Will it fit? Are things going to work out?" I should make life a little easier on myself and let that worry go.

P.S. I will post pictures of the dress ASAP :)

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