Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Frozen in Place

This picture describes my current feelings about life. I feel frozen in place between normal life and a huge leap into the unknown. Moving has been so much apart of our whole family's thinking since November and after processing it over and over again in my mind I am ready. I'm ready for this huge change and yet it still hasn't happened. I have to wait over two months. I am enjoying the time I have with friends, but I always have the move in the back of my mind. I try to continue making connections and memories with people, but I can't help but putting up a barrier in my mind to keep me from making wonderful memories in this place because I know I'm just going to move anyway and it will be even more painful. Silly, right? I know that if we thought that about every change then we would continuously be in a lame duck stage forever, but my soul has already chosen the lame duck and can't seem to get beyond it. I feel idle and that is possibly the worst feeling in the world. This strange sensation could also be caused by my restlessness in school. I'm tired of it. That is all. I guess this time of waiting for the summer changes is a trial of patience. I'm trying to be patient. At least I'm filling my time with photography. That has really been a lot of fun for me. It gives me something to do and each time I do a shoot I feel myself getting better. From my most recent shoot:

This is my escape from the idleness and restlessness of my day to day.

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