Saturday, March 26, 2011

New Found Love

I think we all have the "perfect girl" (or boy) image in our minds. This image is what we see to be beautiful and talented and maybe even a goal of ours to reach. In my mind, one quality that the "perfect girl" has is the ability to sing and play the guitar. Recently, I haven't had a lot of homework and I've had a little bit more free time, so I decided that I was going to play the guitar. Now, I have tried and failed to learn to play multiple times, but this time, I was determined. I started teaching myself four days ago and can proudly say that I can play 10 chords! I really love playing the guitar. It will be fun to be the girl that can play for everyone singing around the camp fire at Girl's Camp or play at "coffee house" shows at school. The only thing I need to get passed are my bruised, cut, and sore fingers. I guess those fingers will just be evidence that I am not lying when I say that I have finally conquered some guitar chords. Oh, I lied. The fingers are not the only things I need to get passed. I also need to work on my fear of singing and playing for others...
Photo I took of my friend playing guitar.

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