Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Incandescent Thoughts

I sit here staring at this blank page wondering how I should begin my first blog entry. Why, do you ask, do I start a blog? I guess I'll start with that. It's because teenagers are often thought of as having shallow thoughts, only thinking about the gossip floating around school or the next big party, and I would like to prove to you, whoever you are, that this average adolescent of 16 can have deep thoughts. Although not all my thoughts are always complex and intricate, I'd like to think that I have some individual thoughts that the average schmo does not. I'd like to think that when I sit down to write about my day, it doesn't look like every other teenagers'. I'd like to think that my brain can think up incandescent thoughts. Thoughts that are brilliant and shine, thoughts that could seem odd and questionable to some, thoughts that provoke trying discussions, and maybe even thoughts that one might never expect from this young teen who has to endure the trivial days in high school. Another goal of writing this blog is to improve upon my writing. I guess you could call writing a family trait that I never thought I had. Recently I discovered that even if I don't have the skills of some of my family members, I do have the desire. I think it's safe to say that desire is the first step to learning. Now, I will admit something before I leave you: I'm awful at conclusions. I guess that is something I will also have to improve upon. But for now, the end.

P.S. Feel free to comment

1 comment:

  1. Incandescent: of outstanding and exciting quality; brilliant
