Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Multiple Identities?

As I go through life's trials, I feel like I have two identities. One identity is the weak, emotional girl who acts impulsively and is easily hurt. She is fragile and has a hard time understanding what to do when everything and everyone is against her. She would act selfishly in order to get out of the mess she is in. She has a hard time forgiving others. She often feels stuck and doesn't know where to turn. This weak identity seems to have one strength, however. This identity is the one that is most often present and therefore displays its frailties more openly.
The second identity I feel inside of me is the strong spirit. This girl that can think straight and rolls with the punches. She keeps her chin up and understands that trials don't last forever, even when everything is going wrong. She gives of herself selflessly, even when it is against what she would want for herself. She forgives unconditionally. She always turns to Jesus Christ in times of need and prayer is a constant in her mind. This strong identity seems to have one weakness, however. This identity often lets it's feeble counter part do most of the thinking. I love the times I can tap into that strong spirit when I'm feeling so much of the feeble girl inside of me. Something that has helped me in the recent hard times I've faced is writing letters of encouragement to myself. It sounds like a crazy idea, but when I write, that strong spirit creeps to the surface and I find words to remind myself that I am of worth no matter how crummy I feel. The notes I get from myself remind me that I am doing the right thing even if my heart hurts. They remind me to have an eternal perspective and remember that the hard times I face here and now will be but a moment in the eternal scheme of things. How grateful I am for the knowledge that I really do have these two identities. I have that natural man inside of me that can be easily corrupted, but I also have that mighty spirit that has existed since the beginning of time. That spirit which knows God personally and is willing to tap it's owner on the shoulder and say, "Don't worry. Everything will be OK." I've come to the realization that if anyone is to progress in life, they must learn to actively seek the power of their inner spirit and trust in God in order to get through those trying times.


  1. We all have the first identity but you have done such a good job not letting it take over. Also I love your second identity and it has personally helped me think straighter in life. So thank you second identity :)

  2. I love what you have said, Michaela. You are right on. This life is a tug-a-war between those two (and sometimes more) parts of ourselves. That you draw power and strength from that second identity shows wisdom way beyond your years, girlfriend. I love you. Dad.

  3. I am so miffed I wasn't the first comment! Living contradictions and storms and wrestling matches and only you know who'll win. When the strong one wins, can she come to New Zealand with me?

  4. I love your deep soul Michaela. I am now an official follower of your blog! Almost the first! Way to boost your online presence. This is so true. It is amazing when you see your true self come out (especially in writing) which ends up pumping you up when you are bogged down with the tugs and pulls of the other self. This happened to me the other day. I found an old journal entry from when I was 12 years old and it was as if my highest self came out in that moment, and that then lifted my present 20-something-year-old natural-man self to a higher level. This really reminded me of chapter 10 of book 3 in Mere Christianity entitled "Hope". This brief chapter is one of my life themes. I actually have it hosted on my website:
