Sunday, April 29, 2012

Talent and Trial

I would call love a talent

Some people are better at it than others. It can be something you work on daily to improve on or something that comes as naturally as crying. Most of the time it takes years to develop this talent of love. And I'm not just talking about romantic love, but brotherly love, compassion, and every other kind of love you can think of.

If you asked me to make a list of my talents, I would probably put love somewhere near the top. My spirit has this high capacity for love and I have come to realize that not only is it a talent but it is a major trial.

Dont get me wrong, I do NOT claim to have a perfect love for everyone, but with most friendships or relationships, I find my heart (and arms) opening up to encircle people with love that they aren't ready for. I am ready to love people immediately and most people need time to pry open their hearts to let me in.

Maybe there's a fear that goes hand in hand with love that I have learned to ignore. No matter how many times I break my heart over friendships or relationships, I love fearlessly.

I guess patience is a talent I must work on.

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