Friday, January 25, 2013


What would happen if I died? I promise you, whoever cares to read my brain child, that I am a joyful soul and I do not plan on dying anytime soon. But I know I'm not the only one that has wondered what would happen.

I mean seriously.

Who would shed a tear if I just fell off the face of the planet? Would anyone come to my funeral? Would that freckle-faced boy have any last words? Would people even notice I was gone?

Who would care?

As I drive, I almost always think about if I were in a crash right then who would be there for me in an instant. If I were rushed to the hospital and I were in vital condition, who would actually make the effort to come see me?

Would anyone show?

If I started crying in the hall, would anyone stop to encircle me in their arms and tell me things were going to be ok? 


Most of us walk through the halls and figure that we are pretty insignificant. Even the most confident people feel a little unimportant. What I really want when I daydream about a guy showing up and saving me from the broken glass is validation.

Just a reminder that anyone acknowledges that I exist. That if I disappeared, people would miss my presence.

Most the time I'm pretty confident--confident that people could drop my friendship like it's hot and they wouldn't miss me at all. 

This post is not to tell you all (all one of you--I love you Mom!) that I am insecure, which I really really am, but it's just a reminder that you are not the only one that feels a little invisible.

You are not the only one that feels alone in a crowd.

So as cliche and cheesy as it is, call up your friend, your grandma, your dry cleaner, your second cousin twice removed (does that even exist?), your secret crush, or your crazy sub and let them know that they aren't invisible. "Hi. I see you." Those four words could make the difference.

And now I present a short film to you that will make you smile and cry. It is 16 minutes and 24 seconds so please watch.
It would really validate me if you did. 

Also if you commented I would feel pretty good too. 

Because as confident as I act, I am vulnerable. And I'm terrified of people seeing right through me.


  1. I totally get this. No one would ever call me insecure, but I'm riddled with fears and worries and compare myself to everyone. I love you and have often missed you. Your writing is lovely!

    Morgen/Sister Reynolds

  2. Here's a comment from someone who read everything and watched the video, do you feel validated now?

  3. beautifully written, awesome idea.

  4. this is one of favorite videos.. and you are special to me, so I'd be there - Sarah B.

  5. I WANT TO VALIDATE YOU!!! Validate. Validate, validate, validate. (imagine my wand with sparks of validation love engulfing you. or spiderwebs of love shooting out of my wrists. aka "love webs") What you wrote is true for all of us, I think. And we'll continue to have moments of that throughout the rest of our lives. Thank you for being vulnerable. That is one of the toughest things in this life. I truly do think you are an amazing lady.

  6. I would be there :)

    Even though I don't have a car. I would totally find one--I've heard that there is somewhere on campus that you can rent one at! :)
