Monday, December 23, 2013

Dear Brother Joseph,

    Words cannot express the eternal gratitude I have for you. How little you understood as you entered that grove and how great the mantle you carried as you stepped out. Your vision was magnificent and you were ridiculed for what you saw, but you knew it, you knew that God knew it, and you could not deny it. Your suffering was not in vain, Brother Joseph, because I know it too and despite the turmoil and confusion of this ever-changing world, I absolutely cannot deny it. 
    They say that men try to change the world with battles, but when God wants to change the world he sends a baby. On December 23, 1805, he sent you on the darkest day of the year, just as light began to come back to the earth. You were the light. You were the instrument that has made it possible for millions to have the gospel--even all the earth. Can those two words suffice? Thank you? They are so minute compared to the expansive, everlasting, eternal blessings you have given me the opportunity to partake of. 
    Through you, I have come to better know my Father in Heaven and that it's ok to ask questions. You've taught me to have an eternal perspective and to endure trials well. Your example has shown me the way to be a steadfast, stalwart disciple of Jesus Christ. I love you. And as I reflect upon all the suffering and sacrifice you undertook, I can also feel your burning pride for this generation that is rising to be a force of good in all nations. Your endurance brought this to pass and I want you to know that I will be joining that force soon. 
    O, the joy you must be filled with in the kindgom of our Father. And though these words are feeble, as am I, thank you. I'm proud that you are my heritage. You are a great and noble man and if every man were like you, without a doubt, the very powers of hell would be shaken forever. Happiest of birthdays to you.

    Love always,
    Michaela Maurine

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