Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Letter to a Long-Lost Friend

Dear Running,

    We've known each other for quite a while now and our relationship hasn't been the steadiest. I would like to blame our rocky friendship on you, but I am the guilty one. I've been ignoring you for some time now and I feel it necessary to apologize. We used to be best friends and then I got lazy and let everything go. I know it's been almost 8 months since we talked but I want to let you know that, even when I don't act like it, I really do love you. 
    I remember when we would spend time together everyday and you built my confidence, letting me know that I could do hard things, despite my weak, human nature. You taught me to endure to the end even when the trail is rough. Our group of friends was so much fun and we were there for each other day after day.
    I think that if I tried to put my finger on why I haven't been the same around you the past few months is because the cold months got me down. I found it hard to see you when it took so much effort to get outside. Spring time came and I thought it the perfect weather to come see you but I felt so bad that I hadn't for so long that I stayed away. My next excuse was that it was summer and too hot to get myself out the door.

    But now the excuses are over. I am ready to be friends again, even with the awkward stage of getting acquainted once more. I promise to see you at least 5 times a week. You are too precious to lose. 

Michaela Proctor

P.S. I thought it would be good to include a few pictures of us together. We had some good times!
Look how happy we are together.

We've gotten through some tough times.

Us and all of our friends.

Taking a water break.

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