Saturday, February 23, 2013

Alls About MMP

I'm an adult today. So here's a few things about me just because:

1. I dream of going to India. If I could choose anywhere to go on this entire planet, I would go there. The culture, the colors, the textures, the food, the music, the dancing. I love it all. I will adventure there with my husband someday.

2. I'm an "extroverted introvert", as my grandmother would say. I do love social situations and being with people and being wild, but I honestly don't mind spending a Friday night by myself. I like my Self and what I have to say. I think I'm pretty interesting.

3. I have had crushes on boys since I was probably three years old. I never went through the "cooties" stage. I've always loved them and will continue to pine.

4. I like being tickled. No matter how much I protest, I secretly love it. 

5. I took the love language quiz (yeah, don't judge me) and it was impeccably accurate. My #1 love language is quality time. Spending one on one time with my friends makes me feel so loved and looked out for. If someone doesn't take any time to talk to me then I assume we aren't actually that close. And close up there as my #2 love language is physical affection. If you know me well enough, you know that I am the snuggliest baby you've ever met. And I am always in the mood for a hug.

6. My roof is my safe haven. I climb up on the roof almost everyday (unless it't winter time). I feel more connected to myself when I'm above everything and I don't have to listen to all the voices coming at me from all sides. I think some of the times I have felt closest to God is when I've sat on the highest point of the roof and prayed aloud. My mind has room to breathe up there and the stars seem that much brighter.

7. I wear an Irish wedding ring on my left index finger and it's been there for almost 4 years now. It is made up of two hands (representing friendship) holding a heart (representing love) with a crown on top (representing loyalty). The Irish say that friendship, love, and loyalty make up the best marriages. And when the point of the heart is facing out, it means that you are still searching for your true love. I can't wait for some man out there to take that ring off my finger and turn the point of the heart around.

8. I like the smell of campfire, even when it lingers on my clothes. Being in the mountains or in the forest is heaven to me.

9. I have a favorite freckle on my face. And when I use mouth wash I watch it dance around on my cheek.

10. I'm deathly afraid of mannequins. I know it is ridiculous, but seriously. They could come alive behind your back and kill you. Anytime. So watch out.

11. I have a talent for writing letters and I write people letters at least once a week. I love stringing words together into beautiful reminders of who people are. When people forget their worth, I feel responsible to remind them.

12. I like taking pictures. Of landscapes, and people, and sports. But mostly I like photo shoots with people. Because I like showing them how beautiful they are through my eyes. Building others' confidence is my favorite.

13. When I drive by myself I scream, laugh at myself, and repeat. I'm also usually smiling for no good reason, just that I like driving and I like the music in my car.

14. I don't like being wet unless I'm at a lake or a spontaneous water fight breaks out. Being wet means being cold and having to wash my large amount of hair AGAIN. So if you ever want to play with me in the summer, know that I would much rather roll around in the grass than jump into a pool. Unless it's one of those wild nights. Don't ask.

15. On my 16th birthday, I got asked on my first date ever. He brought me a bouquet of flowers and asked me in the middle of a huge crowd. Yeah, you better believe I was blushing like a tomato. 

16. My hands are always cold. I think they are meant for being held.

17. If you even read one entry in my journal, you would know exactly who I like. It's dangerous. I know. Especially since I carry my journal everywhere I go. Anyone could go sneaking around and discover all my deep dark secrets. But I suggest that you don't. Because one of my deep dark secrets is that I've always wanted to punch someone. So yeah. That could be unleashed on you. Don't try anything.

18. I'm an adventurer and always will be. And I'm excited to find a darling person that will adventure with me.

1 comment:

  1. This is pretty great. My pen name is anonymous for my Creatie Writing class, but you know me. I'm definitely gonna stalk your blog;)
