Saturday, October 12, 2013

I Really Am Really Happy

My crow's feet are getting deeper
and the winds that bellow through the pipe organ in my chest are getting windier. Uncontrollably so.
Sorry, I'll cut the crypticness. I seem to smile and laugh a lot lately. 
That's all.  
I walk alone in the rain and the droplets hitting the concrete lull me into a sense of security. Everyone's hair gets weighed down by the wet, but mine gets curly.
I walk alone a lot. But I like it because I think my brain is pretty interesting. And I smile as I walk alone because nobody knows who I am and that somehow adds to the humor of it all.
I walked behind a couple today holding each other under an umbrella and instead of looking forward bitterly as I shivered by my lonesome, I got a little giddy.
Life is so delicious. It looked strange for a while there, but after a bit of skeptically staring, I took a bite and it made me grin. I don't have many people in this huge place to share this lovely, delectable life with but I have this fluorescent-lit hall and it's wildly beautiful.
I hate how difficult it is to string words together that are happy. Darkness just seems so unexplored and risky. There are innumerable words to describe the unknown. 
I am taking on a challenge to write beautifully about the light--about incandescence. 
Describing my contentment with life and myself and with God will be a great adventure.

1 comment:

  1. "I hate how difficult it is to string words together that are happy." -Your words make me happy.
